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legal holiday 法定假日。

legal limit

Execute the laborer of piece rate , after task of norm of the reckon by the piece that finish , by arrangement of unit of choose and employ persons its are in those who lengthen working hours beyond legal standard working hours , by not under piece rate of legal working hours 150 % pay salary reward ; work in playday , by not under piece rate of legal working hours 200 % pay salary reward ; work in legal holiday , by not under piece rate of legal working hours 300 % pay salary reward 實行計件工資的勞動者,在完成計件定額任務后,由用人單位安排其在法定標準工作時間以外延長工作時間的,按不低于法定工作時間計件單價的150 %支付工資報酬;在休息日工作的,按不低于法定工作時間計件單價的200 %支付工資報酬;在法定節假日工作的,按不低于法定工作時間計件單價的300 %支付工資報酬。

Lengthen the overwork salary of working hours , should pay not the 150 under salary ; arrangement playday works overtime to cannot fill again rest , should pay not the 200 under salary ; legal holiday arranges laborer to work , pay not the 300 under salary 延長工作時間的加班工資,應支付不低于工資的150 ;安排休息日加班又不能補休的,應支付不低于工資的200 ;法定節假日安排勞動者工作的,支付不低于工資的300 。

In addition , execute the laborer of piece rate , work in 11 legal holiday , by not under piece rate of legal working hours 300 % pay salary reward ; work in playday , receive not under piece rate of legal working hours 200 % pay salary reward 此外,實行計件工資的勞動者,在十一法定節假日工作的,按不低于法定工作時間計件單價的300 %支付工資報酬;在休息日工作的,接不低于法定工作時間計件單價的200 %支付工資報酬。

Salary package : basic salary , most attractive commission policy . we provide 11 days annual leave , legal holiday , social insurance , and registered of shenzhen permanent residence 我們將提供完善的薪酬福利制度(無責任高底薪+提成) , 11天帶薪年假,帶薪病假,公共假期,社會保險及住房公積金,以及為資深員工辦理調干/招調工。

Independence day is a legal holiday throughout the united states . it is america ' s most important patriotic holiday , the birthday of the nation 獨立紀念日也是美國的國慶日, 1776年7月4日,英國在北美的13個殖民地的代表大會開會并發表獨立宣言,后來這一天成為了美國的國慶日。

Not only blue - collar workers but white - collar workers as well do not have to work on labor day because it is observed as a legal holiday in the united states and canada (不但是藍領階級,連白領階級的人也一樣,在勞動節都不工作,因為勞動節是美國及加拿大的國定紀念日。 )

Not only blue - collar workers but white - collar workers as well do not hae to work on labor day because it is obsered as a legal holiday in the united states and canada (不但是藍領階級,連白領階級的人也一樣,在勞動節都不工作,因為勞動節是美國及加拿大的國定紀念日。 )

Foreign - funded enterprises are required to arrange holiday leaves for employees in legal holidays such as the new year , spring festival , theinternational labor day , and the national day 元旦春節國際勞動節國慶節,法律法規規定的其他休假節日須安排勞動者休假。

Laborer is reached in holiday of funeral of legal holiday , marriage during entering social activity lawfully , unit of choose and employ persons ought to become rich lawfully salary 勞動者在法定假日、婚喪假期及依法參加社會活動期間,用人單位應當依法致富工資。

Article 36 the time limit of the implementation of administrative licensing stipulated in these measures shall be calculated in terms of working days , excluding legal holidays 第三十六條本辦法規定的實施行政許可的期限以工作日計算,不含法定節假日。

Alleged work overtime , it is to point to the employee requirement according to unit of choose and employ persons , the job pursues in legal holiday , playday 所謂加班,是指員工按照用人單位的要求,在法定節假日、休息日從事工作。

While lincoln ' s birthday did not become a federal holiday like george washington ' s , it did become a legal holiday in several states 然而林肯誕辰日并沒有像華盛頓紀念日那樣成為整個聯邦的節日,而只是成為了幾個州的法定節日。

Three ) the worker work of a legal holiday arrangement of , pay 300 % of the wages of being no lower than the wages guerdon 三)法定休假日安排勞動者工作的,支付不低于工資的百分之三百的工資報酬

As with other legal holidays , it is customary for retail stores to have sales on presidents ' day 和在其他法定假日一樣,零售商店通常會在總統日這天進行大減價。

Ok of course , the proposal reads labor law , still have a lot of legal holidays 當然可以,建議看看勞動法,還有很多法定的假呢。

They work five days a week and seven hours a day with legal holidays 他們每星期工作5天,每天工作7小時,并享有法定假期。

Above holiday all includes general holidays holiday and legal holiday inside 以上假期均包括公休假日和法定假日在內。

Vacations and legal holidays 休假和法定假日

How many legal holidays are there in you country 你們國家有多少法定假日